David Rodgers

David Rodgers

Company: Shoreline Biosciences

Job title: Senior Director, Macrophage Cell Therapy


Roundtable Discussion: Exploring the Use of Macrophage-Therapies to Treat Autoimmune Diseases & How Plasticity & Reprogramming Could Be Advantageous in this Indication 12:00 pm

Describing how the plasticity of macrophages in an anti-inflammatory phenotype could have therapeutic potential in autoimmune diseases Comparing macrophage-directed therapies with alternative cell therapies for autoimmune diseases Exploring the unique challenges in developing macrophage-directed therapies for autoimmune disease to break down barriers in this therapeutic areaRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Addressing Challenges in Manufacturing to Outline a Range of Cell Sources & Optimize Methods 2:01 pm

Discussing the complexities and challenges of manufacturing macrophages and exploring various cell sources, including iPSC-derived and HSC-derived cells. Join this workshop to: Understand the manufacturing challenges posed by the non-proliferative nature of macrophages and explore techniques to reduce cell loss and maintain yield Focus on the manufacturing of iPSC-derived Macrophages (iMacs) and assess their advantages…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day

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